Just before christmas I felt like my life had grinded to a halt when I found out my dad had cancer. I tried to ignore it and push it to the back of my head.
In May my dad had a stem cell transplant and has now been at home for 5 weeks which is a good thing or it should be. Now my dads home my mum is finding it a lot more stressful and on top of my exams I've been having a really hard time. I'm now at the point where I've bottled up all my feelings that most the time at night I just curl up and cry.
None of my friends really understand what its like to have a parent with cancer and I dont think I've ever felt so alone. I didnt really know where to turn or who I could speak to about all my problems and how I actually felt. I felt that if I spoke to my mum about it then she just wouldnt understand why its only hitting me now.
Everywhere I look and go these days all ever seem to see is cancer, tv adverts, posters, charities it all seems to just be piling on top of me and I’m afraid that I’m beginning to suffocate with it all. Its all becoming a bit to much I feel like I cant even go out anymore because I should be at home helping look after my dad.
Page updated 19 August 2013