Last year my mum had breast cancer and said that theres more possiblity of her getting cancer again - i thought 'she won't." And then about 2weeks ago my mum said that she felt really sick and her bones in her back hurt, so we called the nurse. She thought she was just being stupid and making it all up, so my auntie took her back to her house to look after her till she went in to hospital. She had some tests and last Friday my dad called me to come in the front room, my brother was sitting in there crying he's 15 and it's the first time i've seen him cry so i knew it was something really bad. My dad just said "I've got some bad news, your mums got bone cancer in her back." I asked him if there was anything the doctors could do he said "No, it's one of the cancers that you can't do anything for, it eats away at your bones." My head felt so mixed up, confused and guilty for everything i had done horrible to her! I've been to see her a few times since, she had been ok but this last time i went to see her all she could say was "please dont hurt me" and "peace" and kept gettin her words all mixed up, i felt like it was all my fault and was really upset about all of it.
Page updated 18 July 2012